Wednesday, February 6, 2019

I Hope Love Will Answer Love

Dear Reader,

I keep wanting to be regular with my blog posts, but I often get caught up in the whirlwind that is my beautiful life and forget to update my blog.

I have been spending as much time with my beautiful family as possible. This includes those who'd be typically labeled as friends because my friends have such deep and profound connections with me that I consider them family. Additionally, I call the animals that live in my home my fur-babies for a reason. I would much rather call myself an interspecies mom than a pet owner. They own me as much as I own them and in truth it's more of a mutual love and respect than an ownership of any kind.

Lately I have had the pleasure of learning a great deal from my husband and my sister, my two best friends on the planet. Our conversations seem to be much more powerful and impacting than the on the surface talks that most people have in the day to day. I am blown away by the two of them and am beyond grateful for our respective connections.

Every work day I have the gift of being able to teach with some of the most thoughtful people I have had the pleasure of working alongside of. I could go on about the incredible people I have the honor of working with for hours if asked. I am constantly being checked on, helped, joked with, and supported. I am very grateful for that.

In my classroom I'm always learning from and working at imparting knowledge to some of the wackiest, most creative, and quirky bunch of kids I could hope to be in charge of. I love spending time with these kids, even if sometimes it means more gray hairs.

Speaking of gray hairs, the older I get, the more physical losses I have had to contend with. Every day, I work at finding my mom and others that have passed on in as many ways as I can. I look for her. I look for them. Not doing so would be far more heartbreaking than having days where making the connection is difficult or impossible because for the days when I am able to find my mom, my brother, my grandma Nina, or Jo, (those who I find most often), I am made much more whole. Yesterday I felt like my mom was whispering in my ear and I made a couple of calls that felt empowering because of her presence in my life. You may not have had the pleasure of knowing these people, Reader, but I would not be the person or the writer I am without them, so you can thank them for this blog.

I am imperfect and blissfully happy. I hope you are too. Thank your flaws for keeping you unique and challenging you to think in new, beautiful ways. If you're struggling to do so, know that somewhere in the universe, on a couch in my basement-living-room, I am rooting for you. I believe in you, Reader, and I hope that you believe in you too!

Send out a wave of love into the universe. Mom always said that energy responds to energy and I believe her. I hope deeply that love will respond to love as well and the more love we pour out, the better this place will be to live in.

<3 With Love,

Krista Becker

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